Friday, January 23, 2009

Agricola Solitaire

While solitaire Agricola isn't really a great game, I've been messing around with it this week trying to figure the high score possible, or maybe just trying to make a 15 room stone house. Has anyone else spent time solo farming? What's your high score? What's your high score playing with others?


  1. I've never played the solo game, it sounds painfully boring. It goes back to that "playing the board" thing, I just can't stay interested in it. Maybe I should give it a try... I suggest getting more gamers so you don't have to solo farm.

    I would say the winning score for a typical game is somewhere in the low to mid 40s, but if you go on board game geeks they talk like 50 is a typical score, which is probably closer to reality. We just discovered that you can take a break bread action for free when you buy an oven... we weren't playing this way, it will make ovens go from crappy to good, and I suspect will change the game a fair deal.

    One of the guys I play with thinks that drafting the occupations and minor improvements is bad, cause it allows people to get the combos they want to play the kind of strategy they are comfortable with. He thinks with random occupations, it will force people to play more varied styles and will make for a more interesting game. This may be true, but I feel like the experience of having one person draft great occupations and another draft crappy ones is worth the price of diversified strategies.

  2. I was soloing because i've been bored out of my mind, joanna is in vegas. (also, she arranged to cancel our first "monthly" game session by flying back tomorrow afternoon) It is boring in the same way all solitaire games are boring. I did manage the 15 room stone house, so maybe I'm done soloing.

    The baking bread when you buy the oven is key, but it's still real hard to make it really work, unless you get some cards to help you out, like the baker or corn scoop.

    As to the point about drafting, I've only played random multiplayer games, but soloing and picking cards, you definitely get caught playing into the same thing, even when you don't mean to. I'd vote for drafting anyways though, because it's awful easy to get a handful of crap otherwise (and not even know it until you are starving in round 9).

    One other thing: do you play to block, or to build? In the two player, especially, blocking can work, and can cripple your opposition (but also, you). I saw the other end of the extreme on BGG, where they really did make it into a cooperative, trying for a high group score with 4 players (over 400). I think one of the drawbacks to this game is its ability to let you overanalyze and do things like that.
