Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Definition: Ingot

According to Merriam-Webster:

: a mold in which metal GAMES is are cast

: a mass of metal GAME IDEAS cast into a convenient shape for storage or transportation to be later processed PLAYED WITH FRIENDS

I know this is extremely nerdy but bear with me. I will post game ideas to the main page with the tag Ingot. Wherever possible these will be playable from the rules included (after you call me out for corrections).

Have fun!

Welcome to the Cardstock Crucible

If you are reading this, then I must have successfully drugged you or at least appealed to your underdeveloped sense of pity; lucky me! This blog is intended to be a venue for exposing new game ideas whether they be alterations, modifications or new rule sets. I encourage you to add your thoughts and/or speak up if you would like to try any of the new prototypes I plan on putting together. This is, of course, also a clear New Year's Resolution for me to focus more energy on my board gaming and hold myself accountable for writing down my game related thoughts. The site is not public but if you have a friend that would enjoy getting in on the fun just have them email me. You know my email address. : ) Hope you enjoy the ramblings and with any luck the lustrous nuggets of games to be.